Starting a New Match

Starting a New Match

To start a new match, click on the File menu, then select New Match....

The New Match Window

The New Match Window lets you change the type of chess match you'd like to play.


Online games can not be started from here. If you'd like to play chess online, please see the section of this document titled Using Knights Online.

Clicking Human will tell Knights that you want to control this color yourself.

The Computer option, if available, will tell Knights that a Computer Opponent ( also known as a Chess Engine ) should control this color. Another window will pop up with a list of opponents that you have installed. After selecting an opponent, you should use the Player Strength slider to customize your opponent's skill level. Due to the fact that each computer opponent is unique, some which are set to Weak may actually be better than opponents set to Strong. Also note that some may completely ignore your preference and play that same no matter what skill level you select.

The Email option is not yet supported by Knights.

Once you've selected the players, you'll want to select the time controls for this match. Base Time is the number of minutes that this player has at the beginning of the match. After you make a number of moves, you'll receive extra time on your clock. Moves Per Base Time controls the number of moves needed to receive that extra time. Increment Per Move is yet another time bonus that you receive after every move.

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